الجمعة، 17 أكتوبر 2008

when light comes...

"when light comes,i don't care who is carrying it's source"
Omar ibn El-Khattab,the second Muslim Caliph said.
what a great manner of thinking to live with ,nowadays.
I am trying to live with this manner through my life to live comfortably
despite whom discovered a theory,I use it in my work and my whole life
He may be a person that doesn't share me my ideas and thoughts.
Moreover,he may be belonging to another human race .
Moreover,he may be belonging to another religion!
Believe me..I don't care at all...
Yes,I want to benefit from any new discovery
or any good idea whatever who made...
Try to do this and you will feel so comfortable
and you will benefit from anything new in the world.

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