الجمعة، 17 أكتوبر 2008

*Say: "I do no more than invoke my Lord,

Say: "I do no more than invoke my Lord, and I join not with Him any (false god)."Aljinn-20
This a verse that Allah sent to Muhammed-peace be upon him,the last messenger from Allah to humankind.
I think there's only one God that we have to ask for everything we need in our lives.
Only Him can help us and give us all that we ask and all that we need in life.
Sometimes,we may be in a trouble and we think that there's no solution to it.
We may be so angry,so sad,so upset...We may give up hope..
Some people may think in suicide!
But if we go to Allah...and ask Him sincerely...
If we cry to Allah...saying ,'O our Lord...no one can help us but You alone...
O Allah save us...no one of people is ready to give us what we need...
only You can give us...only You can save us...only You can solve this big trouble...'
I think that Allah is of no need from anybody...Only us,all people need Allah to help us...
Allah is so GRACIOUS..He will give us everything we need but only if we ask Him alone...
Ask Allah...go ahead...don't hesitate in crying to your solitary Lord...
You will find the real happiness there...But don't forget to pray for me!

1 تعليقات:

في 19 يوليو 2009 في 5:18 ص , Blogger آلاء إبـراهيـم يقول...


thanks very much

el medawena is very beautiful

gazake allah kaira


إرسال تعليق

الاشتراك في تعليقات الرسالة [Atom]

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